Starting Your Invisible Braces Treatment (Part 1)

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Invisible braces are one of the most popular treatments at About Smiles Dental Centres. This article gives you an insight when considering this treatment.

What you need to know before beginning Invisalign treatment

Invisalign aligners are a great orthodontic system. Being relatively invisible, comfortable, removable and easy to clean, it is easy to see how popular they have become as people discover the simplicity of straightening their teeth with this revolutionary system. However it is still important to realise that there are limitations and dos and don’ts that you should know about before you begin treatment.

Are invisible aligners the right choice for me?

Invisalign is ideal for many people but for those with a severe malocclusion it may not be the best choice. If you have severely rotated or tipped teeth, or a severe deep overbite, your dentist may recommend another option. Invisible braces are best suited for mild to moderate complexity cases. Your existing dental work too will be a factor in whether or not they are suitable. If you have a bridge, for example, wearing invisible braces may prove impossible. Your dentist will be able to advise you.

What are the advantages of this treatment compared to traditional braces?

Removable orthodontic aligners are a huge advantage for eating and drinking as you are not limited with what foods you can eat, unlike conventional orthodontic braces. The downside is that removability makes the aligners easier to misplace and, if this happens, it can delay your treatment and incur extra cost for new aligners to be made. Care must be taken not only to clean them but not to lose them! The advantage of removability of the aligners also becomes a disadvantage to your dentist if you are not 100% committed to wearing them. For your treatment to work, you are recommended to wear the aligners for 22 hours a day. That doesn’t leave a lot of time for eating and extra care may be needed to plan ahead for meal times. Before replacing your aligner after eating you should also brush and floss your teeth so bacteria from food particles does not get trapped inside the aligner which can lead to teeth decay.

Part 2 of this article is coming soon. Stay tuned!